Dinner Sofas

By Sklar Furnishings

Design Inspiration, Tips & Trends

May 2, 2018

For centuries, meals and get-togethers at home have centered around the dining table. However, in today’s fast paced world, meals are more often eaten around the kitchen island, huddled at the coffee table, or even on the go. While nothing beats family mealtime on a beautifully set dining room table, there are so many modern and interesting alternatives available these days. The dinner sofa is one of our favorite ones. Gaining popularity as an alternative, the dinner sofa is modern and fun, while still enabling families to enjoy quality mealtime together.

Dinner sofas consist of cozy benches for sitting and a freestanding bench that acts as the table. Dinner sofas are an artistic and unique piece of furniture, which adds style to the overall aesthetics of a room. As with any piece of furniture, dinner sofas come in different sizes, styles, and colors. The tables themselves can be round or square and the benches can be an L or U shape, with a back or no back, depending on your needs. Think of the great 50’s style diners – a booth to quickly enter in, enjoy a meal, and then head back out on your way. That’s exactly what a dinner sofa is!

Once you have decided on the style, design and color, it’s time to dig a little deeper into the stability and construction. Test out a dinner sofa by sitting on the sofa bench and consider its comfort level for an extended period of time. Investing in a good dinner sofa should depend a lot on its stability, appearance and construction. A good sofa should last a minimum of five years.

A dinner sofa offers a modern, welcoming and comfortable dining table. A feeling of togetherness is fostered when sitting in close quarters with friends and family and the dinner sofa achieves this perfectly. With a dinner sofa in sight, it’ll soon become the favorite spot for everyone in the house.

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